Entries by Trio

Feast Without Fear: Food Allergies Explained

Analyzing ingredients. Questioning servers. Bringing your own food to parties. Life with food allergies can feel challenging, but remember that you’re not alone. These dietary limitations affect millions of people worldwide – around 6% of U.S. adults and children, to be exact. And like all allergies, knowledge is the key to comfort for a happy,

A Regional Guide to Seasonal Allergies in the United States

From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee, no part of the U.S. is free of allergens. However, with a proper understanding of the common local triggers, you can be proactive in minimizing exposure and mitigating the effects of seasonal allergies. This guide will help you enjoy the seasons to their full potential,

Gardening with Allergies: Tips to Cultivate a Symptom-Free Environment

Gardening is a wonderful hobby! It offers a unique blend of benefits like physical activity, mental relaxation and a direct connection to nature. Yet, for people living with allergies, this serenity can often lead to stressful symptoms…but it does not have to be that way. With the right understanding, anyone can unearth peace in this

Cold, Flu or Allergies: What do my symptoms mean?

It’s easy to jump to conclusions when you wake with a scratchy throat or runny nose. We’d all like to believe it’s just a cold…but it may be more. Colds, flu and allergies can seem strikingly similar, but some key differences can help us tell them apart. Understanding these differences is crucial for seeking appropriate

What is a board-certified allergist?

Do you sometimes feel allergies are out of your control? It may be time to visit a board-certified allergist! From sniffles to sneezes and beyond, life with allergies can feel frustrating when you’re on your own. Luckily, trained allergy specialists are ready to help you discover relief. If you’re seeking expert guidance and personalized care,

Allergy Shots: A Long-Term Solution To Allergy Symptoms

Imagine a world without sniffles and sneezes. Picture a life free from pollen’s control. For more than 50 million Americans living with allergies, this may seem like a dream. However, there is a very real path to symptoms relief. Allergy shots are an FDA-approved option that can stop symptoms for good. What are allergy shots?