Allergies: Prevention is the Best Medicine

An allergy is basically a mistake of the immune system, where the body is trying to defend itself against a harmless substance. Read on!

Winter Asthma & Allergies

Pollen allergy sufferers may experience relief during winter months as most outdoor allergens disappear until spring. But our South Florida winters are mild and brief.

Dust Mite & Mold Avoidance

Environmental control can help alleviate many of the symptoms of allergies, learn what you can do to help your dust mite and mold allergies.

Autumn and Food Allergies

Any food is capable of triggering an allergic reaction, but the foods commonly implicated in the vast majority of allergic reactions are cow’s milk, egg white, peanuts, nuts, wheat, fish, and shellfish.

FAQ: Allergy Immunotherapy

Allergen Immunotherapy is a safe and effective way of treating many inhaled allergic symptoms. The decision to employ this therapy is based on your particular symptoms and allergic sensitivities.