A Fresh Look at Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is one of the most common chronic diseases, new ARIA guidelines are an organized framework which can be used by physicians in the practical treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Food Allergy: Basics and Beyond

Food allergies are growing food safety and public health concern. They affect 4%–6% of children and up to 4 % of adults in the United States.

Allergies: Prevention is the Best Medicine

An allergy is basically a mistake of the immune system, where the body is trying to defend itself against a harmless substance. Read on!

Winter Asthma & Allergies

Pollen allergy sufferers may experience relief during winter months as most outdoor allergens disappear until spring. But our South Florida winters are mild and brief.

Instrucciones Generales Para Evitar El Contacto Con Ácaros Y Hongos

El control de medio ambiente puede ayudar a aliviar muchos síntomas de las alergias.

Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre la Inmunoterapia

Allergen Immunotherapy is a safe and effective way of treating many inhaled allergic symptoms. The decision to employ this therapy is based on your particular symptoms and allergic sensitivities.

What is an Allergy?

An allergy is a reaction to a substance that is not harmful to normal, non-allergic people. Allergy is an often a misunderstood term, learn the basics.

Urticaria Crónica (ronchas) – guía para los que sufren

Hives can occur as an allergic reaction to a variety of things (foods, insect stings, medications – especially aspirin or motrin-type drugs).

Summer Allergies: Keep your Summer Safe and Fun

Summer means fun – school vacation and long lazy days filled with sunny sandy beaches, sunscreens, pollens and insects. Stay allergy free!

Nuevas Medidas Para Prevenir El Contacto Con Alergenos En La Casa

It is important to understand environmental exposure to furred pets, cockroaches, and dust mites in causing and worsening of asthma in children.